(510) 610-2421
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday to Friday
729 Kearney Street
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Our Program
Our Chinese-immersion program helps your child lay down a solid foundation of mandarin Chinese at the best age. Our structured learning theme-based curriculum enables children to learn most and fastest through their "hands-on" playing and exploring experiences based on their own pace with their unique strengths, interests, and learning styles. Our philosophy is that we believe children will thrive through the whole child development, love, hands-on play, and family-school partnership.
Our Mandarin Chinese Immersion Program
Our Mandarin Chinese immersion program for children at a young age provides them with early exposure to the language, fostering bilingualism, cultural appreciation, and cognitive development. These skills can significantly benefit their future academic and professional opportunities in our increasingly interconnected world.